To their back for the sake of with BRW

To their back for the sake of with BRW





The problem

About 90% of the population complains about back pains. One of her Main causes for the bad and aching trend: Our back, our body cannot be relaxing any more properly. During the day we torment our muscles and joints with one-sided strains and wrong position. At night we twist and dislocate ourselves, because we sleep too softy or too hard. We know everybody: During the day quite a lot of negative back strain does not let itself put down. Many of us must sit for hours in the office or also long Distances in the car go. Orthopaedists confirm: the prevailing number of the back problems are on wrong or outdated mattresses, because the only one We are able to do regeneration and relaxation for our back only in the lying, that is in the bed, reach.

BRW-Tips for buying your mattress

BRW-Tips for buying your mattress

Our tips for buying your mattress.
The purchase of your new mattress should be carefully considered.

F.A.Q.- medical information

F.A.Q.- medical information

Acupressure is the mattress and pillows have been around since 1985 and was developed in collaboration with expert physicians.

BRW  benefits

BRW benefits

First They are neither of us are called on behalf osleeping systemsf from a call center for sales meetings or promotional events..

The sleeping system BRW

The sleeping system BRW

it has the pyramids for good sensationsYou can compare the sleeping system BRW hardly to others.
It is something special.
The bed needs 3 things

The bed needs 3 things

The sleeping systems BRW fulfil three most important qualities for a healthy, restful sleep...


The method

The method

The pyraidenförmige surface of the BRW systems causes a stimulation of critical acupressure points and more.

The manual lysis for relaxed sleep

The manual lysis for relaxed sleep

Already more than 2000 years ago spannings were treated by massage and acupressure. The massage..

BRW-Poplar fluff

BRW-Poplar fluff

Poplar fluff is hardly ever used in pure form due to its fineness. BRW-Schlafsysteme® Werbach

CERVINORM ® –  high-class product

CERVINORM ® – high-class product

The HWS bolster has a special form, them
Backbone supports and diminishes spannings in the cervical area.
BRW foams / covers

BRW foams / covers

For our sleep systems and swimming areas we use the following products:

Fabrics: Micro Care, Silverline Micro Care and Aloe Vera.

Their experience with sleep systems BRW

Their experience with sleep systems BRW

Here you can provide as a registered customer subjects with your opinions and experiences with the sleep systems.


BRW-Payment options

BRW-Payment options

You can pay via Pay Pal with all these card,without having to register.

When paying simply enter your card.




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Shipping outside Europe on request



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