Acupuncture as a healing method

Acupuncture as a healing method


Lecture by Dr. S. Milic Kurhaus Sonnmatt, Lucerne

 Among the wide range of applications of acupuncture and acupressure at the present time Dr. S. Milic said at last Friday night at the Kurhaus Sonnmatt in Lucerne. Has described the action of these Far Eastern method of therapy, which involves the whole body in the treatment and the only cure is to relieve suffering without side effects.
His presentation was divided, Dr. S. Milic, who himself is a capacity and a pioneer in the use of acupuncture in Switzerland, in three parts: the first, he explained the history of acupuncture, in the second mode of action and the diseases with acupuncture can be treated and finally he opened the discussion and answer the burning questions of his many listeners. At first he said the construction of acupuncture, a healing method from China, which spread throughout Europe until about 20 years ago and is now recognized by all insurance companies. Dr. S. Milic pointed out that the health of humans is based on the yin and yang energies, which must always be kept in balance.
Energies of the body influence
The acupuncture needles are these flows affect the body and the body has the ability to regenerate itself without taking other medications. The needles activate the body's defenses against disease. Dr. S. Milic also warned of charlatans who do not have appropriate training and hurt to help the body more than a false jump. He has noted with pleasure that acupuncture is being introduced at Swiss universities and open in the next few years more and more professionals with a standardized training practices are. In addition, there was to learn that only a small number of diseases being treated exclusively with needles, mostly because in addition to diets, massages and herbal treatments, especially prescribed.
Wide range of applications
The application of acupuncture is wide. "We achieved outstanding success in nervous disorders, paralysis, allergic diseases, rheumatism, infectious diseases and asthma. Also treated together addictions and areas in which mainstream medicine pushes their limits, with good results, "concluded Dr. S. Milic, the wide range of applications. "Crucial role of sleep may also play," said Dr. S. Milic unique Akkupressur-matress, which is now used in hospitals with much success. It was developed at the University of Heidelberg, is distributed in Switzerland by a Beromünsterer office and is based on the findings of acupressure, which supports the body during sleep at the appropriate places.
Following the presentation, visitors could ask questions and learn the tools of acupuncture and herbal practice.