relaxation effect

relaxation effect




® DR. R. Ackermann

Joint capsules and cords, Menisci and intervertebral discs are loaded with the standing position, seats and in the motion constantly under pressure or train. Besides, the musculature is continuously tightened. Standing position and above all to seats loads the spine. The exhausted and false-loaded musculature cramps. This leads to the less blood circulation. Metabolism products collect. There originates an oxygen starvation. Pains increase and with it the spanning. There originates a vicious circle of back pains.

Vicious circle

Attention: pain must not be signs of a disease!


Back pains are as a rule false strain pains of the numerous muscles, joint capsules, sinews and cord attempts of the spine from all sorts of causes as for example:



    False position or compulsive position in the job

    Sluggish and lifting to severe weights

    Fake Lifting and sluggish technology


    Psychic problems

    False position of the spine as a result of hereditary or accidental


    Big bosom

    Lack of exercise


80% of the population suffer from back pains. According to statistics of the health insurance schemes back pains are the most frequent reason for a doctor's visit or disability.

An one bed system appropriate for spine

An one bed system appropriate for spine

The professional world agrees about the fact that preventive measures are more important than every medical therapy.

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